Wednesday, February 14, 2024

holey cow

 Happy Ash Wednesday and Valentine's Day

    I don't know if I will ever use that sentence again in my life.

    All I know is Ash Wednesday was early this year.

    Easter is a floating holiday.  There is no set date.  It all depends on the full moons after March 21, but it seems too complex an issue for me to grasp. 

    For example, this from Wikipedia:  Even if calculated on the basis of the Gregorian calendar, the date of that  ecclesiastical full moon sometimes differs from that of the astronomical first full moon after the March equinox.[17]

    As you can see, for me to understand that I have to learn what an ecclesiastical full moon is, and since I have made it 75 + years without that knowledge, I don't see why I should learn it now.

    There.  Now you know.

    We did not get ashes this year.  

    I had a meeting at 5 and we would not be able to make it to DeKalb in time for the service, so no ashes.  We  could have gone to a local church. but  chose not to.

    I picked up a couple of shrimp dinners for Jackie and me.  Julia asked me to get a roast beef sandwich with Swiss cheese.  She texted me and said "The Swiss cheese with holes."  I thought that was an odd statement to add.

    I ordered a sandwich and told the young man I wanted the Swiss cheese with holes.

    He looked at me like I was nutty.

    "Our Swiss cheese doesn't have holes," he said, which I thought was odd.  All Swiss cheese has holes, right?

    So, they went and made the sandwich and another employee asked the young man what I wanted, and he said the "Swiss cheese with holes but we don't have that".

    The lady said, yes....she showed the young man how to ring it up with the "Big eye cheese." as they called it.

    Several tasks were thus accomplished.  Jackie and I got supper, Julia get her supper, and the young man learned that real Swiss cheese has holes.

    Such a deal!

Peace and Love

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