Monday, February 12, 2024


 Sometimes I just have to laugh

    For example.

    We like to buy fresh ground beef and make our own burgers.  At least I do.

    So one of the girl got us a hamburger press.  You take meat, put it in a metal dish, , and press t he top part down, making a patty.

    Pretty simple.

    But it has to be put together.

    I followed the directions, which is not always easy.

    For example, step 2:  Put screw go down through wood handle.

    Or the caution at the end: Please don't put washer to screw first and go down through handle. It may cause screw too short, and can't attach to press handle.

    Now, I am not to criticize the product, but if foreign manufacturers want to sell in the US market why don't they hire qualified people to write simple English sentences?

    Speaking of English, I had to look up a phrase that appeared in a comic strip.  The adult accused the youngster of not doing anything, the youngster said he was "faffing about."  The adult said glad you are busy with something.

    I had never heard faffing about, so thanks to the wonderful world of Google I found out I faff a lot! The British phrase means doing something in an unorganized way and not accomplishing anything.

    That fits me to a T!

    I am not disorganized, I am faffing!  Sounds like I am actually doing something when I am just my usual disorganized self.

    However sometimes I do manage to get something done.

    Last week the wheels came off my garbage can.  I can't find one of them.

    So I called the disposal company and asked about their garbage cans.  The nice lady told me they were free, but there was a $60 delivery charge.  Holy crap!!!  I asked her if I could just drive somewhere and pick one up and she said their facilities were not equipped for that.

    I bit the bullet and ordered one.

    It arrived today.

    It's about the size of a VW bug, but with 2 wheels!  Holy cow, it is big!

    The guy who delivered it said if I want to get rid of the old one, put it into the new one.  I could do that and still fit in a a small family.

    Emily  could use one or two of those, especially for dog waste.  I should have asked for one for her and just had it delivered here.  I should have thought of that before they delivered mine.

    That's it for me.  I've got som faffing to do.

    Peace and Love

Our  driveway over the past 3 weeks or so

I grew a mustache for the Super Bowl.

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