Saturday, February 24, 2024

family time

 We had family over today

    My nephew from Pennsylvania and my sister in law from Rockford cane down for supper.  Jason was visiting his mom,  Ruth, who had a birthday today.  So they came to our house for supper.

    That makes 2 nights in a row of entertaining for us!  That is very unusual.

    But it was a fun time because we don't get to see Jason very often. 

    I miss my nieces and nephews.  They are all grown up and have families of their own, but I mss the times we would get together and talk, laugh, and eat.  Those times just went by too fast.  Of course, my brothers and parents are no longer here, but my memories are.

    Aside from that, today was just a ho hum day.

    I sat and read for about 90 minutes, but I think I only got through 10 pages.  No, I did not fall asleep, although a nap would have been nice.

    It just seemed like there was interruption after interruption.  Dog out, dog in, lunch, dog out, dog in, and on and on.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better for reading.

    I am reading 2 books....Miss Buncle's Book and Tune In.

    The first was written in 1934!  Last night I got to a part and was laughing, it was pretty funny. It is set in a small town in England and revolves around a woman who writes a book about her  village and the people in it.  The book turns into a best seller, but the townspeople are livid at their lives being exposed.  I got it through Hoopla and am reading it on my electronic reader, which is great because I can adjust the type size.

    Tune In is about the Beatles.  It is about 2 inches thick, and I do have a problem reading it because I can not make the print bigger.  But it is an interesting look into the lives of the Fab Four.

    At my current rate of progress, I should finish the Beatles book when I am 94.

    My seed order came in the mail today.  I hope I don't lose it before planting time.

Peace and Love

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