Friday, February 9, 2024

Where were you?

 Some of you will no relate to this

    Sixty years ago tonight I was a 15 year old acne faced kid watching the Ed Sullivan show.

    Four lads from Liverpool were making their first North American singing appearance.

    I was not impressed.  

    They sang 5 songs. Google tells me they played All My Loving, Till there was You and She Loves You in the first set and I Saw Her Standing There and I Want to Hold Your Hand in the second set later in the show.

    The audience was composed of mostly teen aged girls, who screamed every time one of the lads looked their way or even moved.

    I found it all a bit silly, at the time.

    I was a Rolling Stones fan.  The album Aftermath was always playing in my room, much to my dad's disproval.  I especially liked Paint it Black with its opening guitar work and the amazing driving beat.  The Stones were bluesy and rock while the Beatles were not.

    The next day at school a boy showed up with his hair like the Beatles and everyone said he was being paid as a publicity stunt.  Even then we had conspiracy theories.

    But John, Paul, George and Ringo grew on me, and they grew on America and the world.

    I love the Beatles.  I still like the Stones, but I love the Beatles.

    I've been to Liverpool and the Cavern, where they played 300 times.  Actually, it is a recreated Cavern because the original was torn down.  But the new club is just like the old.  Staring at the stage I could almost see them playing to packed crowds towards the end of their Cavern days.  What a thrill that must have been to see them!

    They were funny, irreverent, good looking and incredibly talented.  They were so good, their music is still played by lots of artists.  And Paul and Ringo still tour. 

    Looking back at clips from the Sullivan show, it's hard to imagine Paul and Ringo in their 80s.  And it's hard to believe John and George gone.

    One of my favorite Beatles tunes is one from that first night.  I love I Saw Her Standing There.  Every time I hear it I can picture a 23 year old Ringo drumming away at the back of the group.  For some reason, I think that is some of his best drum work, but I know others will have plenty of examples of better drumming.

    Whenever I hear it, I picture the 4 of them at the Cavern, having the time of their lives. 

    Now, it's time to say goodnight.

Peace and Love


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