Friday, February 16, 2024

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

 I am going to a Beatles concert tonight

    60 years after the band made its debut in America, I am finally going to see the Beatles.

    Well, actually, it is. the Liverpool Legends, a Beatles tribute band.

    But I an using the option to suspend belief (like some supporters of you know who) and pretend these are the real Beatles!

    Friend Dan is going with.  The nice thing is we will not be the only older folks in the house....a lot of people  our age will be there.

    Jackie originally said she wanted to go, but the show starts too late for her.  She does not think she can stay awake.

    I'm thinking.....not stay awake when the Beatles play?


   We put Beth in a crate at night, but don't close the door.  She is very comfortable in there.

    Sometime this morning, maybe 1 ish or 2 ish, I heard a thump, like something hitting a wall.

    I got up and Beth was at the back door, trying to get out.  The back door is off limits after dark, so I got her to the front door, put on her flashing red collar, and let her out.

    She immediately took a squat and then turned to come back in the house.

    She went back to her crate, I went to bed, and we all fell right asleep.

    For the past couple of weeks I have smelled our dryer exhaust, especially in the little bathroom.  In addition, when the dryer runs, that bathroom gets warm.

    So I called the plumber today and someone came out to look at it.

    As he was examining the exhaust vent in th basement, which is right next to some PVC waste lines, I heard an "Uh Oh."

    I asked how bad was it?

    He said he didn't know because his head was stuck between the water lines!

    It took him a minute or so to get his head free.  I was afraid I would have to call 911 to report a man with his head stuck between water lines on a ladder in my basement.  But I didn't.

    Whenever I have said the smell and the heat are not normal, the other people in the house kind of thought I was nutty.  Well, I am.  But not this time.

    Guy found an elbow had come apart and was letting exhaust escape into the space between the walls.

    My fear was exactly that.  I also worried that if left for long, it may cause mold to appear.  

    Luckily he was able to get it fixed and the dryer back in working order.

    We'll see tomorrow, which is towel and sheet day in the Dickow household.

    Thinking of the Beatles, I remember the song they did about our House of Representatives and t heir leadership.........Fool on the Hill.  Except now it is fools on the hill.

Peace and Love

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