Wednesday, February 7, 2024


I went to see a play last night with Emily 

    We saw Come From Away at the Coronado in Rockford.

    It was a dang good show!

    Emily said this was her favorite  show and I can see why.

    It was upbeat, with somber moments, and lots of singing and dancing.

    But there were things I did not understand. Like the Irish accents and music, and the accents of some of the performers.

    Emily said Gander, Newfoundland, had a large Irish influence and it showed in. their language and music.  And the captain of one of the airplanes was from Texas, so that character always has a Texas twang.

    The story is basically set around 9-11 when thousands of flights were diverted to all sorts of airfields.  Gander had a large airfield and took in 32 planes with 7,000 passengers.  The town welcomed the people and provided food, shelter, and clothing during the time airplanes were grounded, which was 5 days or so.

    I have gone with Emily to a couple of shows up there, and this was the only one where I have seen a standing ovation.

    Again, the show brings out the curiousness of me.  These people travel, perform one night, then travel. to another town.  It has to be a hard life.  This cast reflected the passengers on the airplanes.....some people were older and had larger bodies than a typical cast.  I watched ass they danced and sang and was thinking  of all the times I have had to dance and could never quite get the moves down.  They truly are professionals.  How do they handle that type of life?  Do they have families?  Do they make enough money?  At the end of the tour, what happens to them?

    There were a whole bunch of Rochelle area folks there also, some I spoke to, some I waved to, and some I missed entirely but I knew they were there.  One friend I ran into has seen the show 4 times!  She also loves it.  Emily has now seen it twice.

    My only complaint is the Coronado needs to find a way to get people into the theater faster.  They wand everyone and check each purse.  With a huge crowd like last night, the show was about 10 minutes late starting and people were still coming in after the start because they had just gotten through security.

    Of course, people could get there  earlier too.  

    Let me tell you about dinner tonight.

    Went to Headon's, bought some Iowa pork chops and other meat.  

    Iowas chops are about 1 inch thick.  I brown them 4 minutes each side in a cast iron pan then put the in the oven.

    Julia had a work meeting.  She was downstairs

    During the browning period, the smoke detectors started going off!  Beth was running around, the alarms were ringing, I was scrambling from door to door getting them open, the alarms were still going off, I was turning on fans, I removed the chops from the heat and the alarms finally got quiet.

    I could just imagine what the folks in Julia's meeting thought.  She told them no big deal, dad was cooking supper.

   FYI,. they were very tasty.

Peace and Love

There was a large crowd going in

I love the details inside the theater....can't build them like that today!

After the show.....we talked to much!

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