Sunday, February 4, 2024

a short day

 This was kind of a short day for us

    I did not get to bed until a little after 1.  When the alarm went off at about 9, I turned it off.

    At 10:30 Jackie said it was time to get up.

    Now, that sounds like a luxury of sleep.  But it is not.

    It takes me about 2 hours to get Jackie up and ready for breakfast.  Do the time warp folks.  She was ready to eat about 12:45.

    By the time I ate,  read the paper on line,  and did 2 loads of laundry it was almost 3.  The sun goes down at 5:30, so there was little time for action on my part.

    Things I need:

    My printer to work.  Julia tried today, but had no luck.

    My basement to get organized.  I need to put away stuff I have just stacked.

    Better sleep.  Today I did not have much caffeine.  Last night at From the Heart I had a cup of coffee at about 9.  That was a mistake.

    Temperatures in the 70s.

    Last n night was an interesting night for a couple of reasons.

    I always say I don't know a lot of people.  I was shocked at how many people came up to me and said hi and I knew most of their names!

    What did my heart good was the number of former students who said hello.  Six of them visited with me, and they were all pretty successful in their fields.  I like to feel I had a small part of that.

    I cooked some steaks on the grill tonight.  Once again I forgot to bring the grill back into the garage and lower the garage doors.  But neighbor Eileen contacted me to let me know the doors were open. That was nice of her!  Keeps the rodents out of the garage.

    While I was cooking, I could hear the howling of coyotes and I did not have my hearing aids in!  They had to be pretty close for me to hear them.  They sounded like they were north of me, and there is wooded land there.  The howling and yipping is a cool, yet somewhat disconcerting, sound.  

    Aside from my little comments, not much is going on.

    Tonight:  To sleep, perchance to dream.

Peace and Love

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