Sunday, February 18, 2024


 Beth came into our lives 1 year ago

    We had met her at a meet and greet before she came. She was already spoken for,  so we were put on a list for another dog.

    A few days later we got the call that the previous people changed their minds.  Beth was coming for a visit.

    Well, she walked in the house like she owned it and never left.

    She is not a perfect dog, by any means.  

    She slops water on the floor when she drinks, she always wants attention, she does not like to be held or picked up, and she goes out 600 times at night.  At least it seems 600 times.

    But when she goes to bed in her kennel, she stays.  I leave the door open, and only twice has she left the kennel and both tines she had to go to the bathroom.

    After Corki, I never thought I would have another dog.  I still mourn her.  

    Beth is not Corki.  In many ways she is better, in many ways she is not.  She is her own self.

    And we love her for it.


    We have been in the house almost 12 years.  Within the past month doors have started to slowly close or slowly open, all by themselves.  Of course, we could have a ghost.  Maybe 2. 

    Our bedroom door is driving me nuts.

    So I went to Walmart and found little round Velcro tabs.  I put one on the door stop, and one on the door so they would match and the door would be held open by the Velcro.

    That worked for a week or so, then the Velcro on the door stop got bent.

    Now, I had put the rest of the Velcro closures in a place that made sense and where they would be easy to find.

    I looked for at least half an hour and could not find. them!  They were not in any of the logical places.

    Today I was cleaning off the kitchen counter and there they were.  I had not put them away.  I had left them right out in the open in plain sight.  I could not see the forest through the trees.

    Julia made fondue tonight.  Dan and Linda joined the 4 of us and we had a nice visit, some good wine, and some awesome fondue.

   Beth even got a doggie cupcake!

    Now, I have to go.  She is at the door waiting to go out.  Again.

Peace and Love

Our first day

She always looks so sad

This week....she does not like being held

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