Wednesday, February 28, 2024

end of an era

I grew up with WGN TV 

    Of course, back when I was a kid there were only 5 stations to watch.  But WGN carried the Cubs and Jack Brickhouse was the first person I heard doing baseball. on TV.    

    Yes, I watched other channels for other personalities....but for the past who knows how long, it has been WGN for the 9 p.m. news.

    Understand, because of some non sensical law, we can't watch it on a regular TV channel.  We have to stream it.   That makes it a little harder to watch it sometimes, but Jackie has figured out how to do it on her I Pad and up until about 2 weeks ago, she could beam her pad's reception to the TV and it was like a real channel.

    But I digress.

    Tom Skilling did his last weather segment tonight.

    He was been with the station 45 years, and we have always loved Tom.  He was funny, insightful, and provided a detailed forecast.

    One the past few weeks the station has been doing tributes to him.  What was amazing was what he had to do before computers and satellite imagery to produce a forecast.  

    Graphics were hand drawn by him before the green screen.  

    Weather forecasting has changed a lot since he started.

    We will miss him.  

    Time causes change.  Sometimes that change is good, but sometimes it means faces you have known for years are not there anymore.  

    And that's a sad thing.

Peace and Love

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