Tuesday, February 27, 2024

26 steps

 It is about 26 steps from couch to weather radio

    On the third trip, I decided to count tsteps.  Sometimes it was 26, sometimes 27.

    We have the wether radio in our bedroom, because if there is a storm at night we need to know that.

    But it also sounds alerts for all the counties around us.  Tornado watches, warnings, thunderstorms, gargantuan floods.

    Tonight was a n night it sounded lots of times.  I lost count.

    Tom Skilling on WGN said there were numerous reports of tornado touchdowns.  Hopefully no one was hurt or had major property damage.

    While all this was going on, I decided to cure some cast iron pans.  I washed them, sanded down the rust, dried them, oiled them and put them in the oven to bake for an hour.

    The problem is, the house smells.  Really smells.  I have the back door open and bathroom exhaust  fans on, but it has not helped yet.

    After Jackie goes to bed I will open the front door and maybe get a cross breeze to draw out the smell.

    I made pork chops tonight.  They turned out kind of dry, so I must have overcooked them.. And the beans were mushy.  It was not one of my better attempts at supper.

    But none of us died or got sick, so  that is a bonus.

    Today it hit 71, right now it is 51, and tomorrow the high will be 33 with some snow flurries overnight a possibility.

    Spring is not my favorite season.

Peace and Love

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