Wednesday, February 21, 2024

hot time

 I set fire to the back yard today

    Actually, not the entire back yard.  I burned off part of my native garden.

    Fire is important to prairies.  It kills off unwanted plants and provides nutrients for the soil for new growth.  I burned for the first time in 3 years, so hopefully the fire will do its job and get rid of unwanted grasses.

    I only burned half, because the other half was just planted last year and I don't think there is enough "fuel" to warrant a burning.

    I have a small patch.  But when it burns, there is a lot of popping and a roar. I can almost imagine the horror pioneer families experienced when the prairie started burning.  

    I also took Beth for a walk.  We go down to the end of the road, which is about a 1 mile round trip.

    I always carry poop bags, because even if she does her business in an empty lot, I pick it up.  I also leave the bags on the side of the road and pick them up on my way back.

    I picked it up twice today.

    On the way home we stopped to talk to a young friend, then finished the walk.

    When I got home, I only had one bag.  The other bag was at the end of the block.It was right across from where my young friend lives and I just got distracted.

    Not willing to walk another mile, I took the golf cart.  Call me lazy, I don't mind.

    I may have mentioned a picture I found of the Honey Bears from 1978.  I sent it to my friend, who was a Honey Bear and yes, she is in the picture.

    When I showed it to Jackie, Jackie said the girl I pointed to was the one I thought it was in the first place!  I also thought if my friend had come out instead of one of the other girls, our paths would have crossed some 30 years before they did.

    It truly is a small world.

Peace and Love




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