Friday, February 2, 2024

uh oh!

 Am I a little OCD?

    If I happen to be in a business with cards or flyers on the counter, I will straighten them and sometimes make sure they are all the same distance from the edge of the counter.

    Our dinner plates are stacked red/blue.  I load the dishwasher with them red/blue.  I alternate the bowls red/blue.  If they are not alternated, I feel a bit off.

    When I let the dogs out at Emily's, I check the kennel doors, the kitchen gate, leave the house, then go back in and check the kennel doors,  and kitchen gate.  I count the dogs 3 times.  I check the yard to be sure I did not forget any, even after I count!

    At night I check the doors twice.  Sometimes I get up in the middle of he night and check them again.

    Except last night.

    I cooked brats on the was almost 50!   Well, it was near 40 when I finally went out to cook, but it was warm compared to a couple of weeks ago.  The grill is in the garage and I pull it out to the driveway to cook.  When it cools, I drag  it back in.

    The brats were good, by the way. 

    Bedtime came and I let Beth out then in, checked the front door, checked the slider to the patio, went back and checked the front door again and went to bed.

    If I had checked the back door I would have found it was not locked.  And if I had looked into the garage, as I have done thousands of times before bed, I would have seen 2 garage doors open.

    I am not afraid of people stealing stuff, I am afraid of animals coming in and making my garage a home.  Of course, if there were burglars out there, the open garage door and the unlocked back door would have made it very convenient.

    But I can't explain my attention to detail in those instances with how my garage looks and how the basement looks.

    I put most of the Christmas stuff away, but there is crap all over down there!  How many containers for cookies do we need?  Why are there so many bags not put away in tubs?  Why are there so many tubs without lids and lids without tubs?

    If I am OCD in one area of my life, why not in all of my life?

    I sleep a certain way.  I do dishes a certain way.  I put things in the pantry a certain way.

    But the rest of my life is a hodgepodge of stuff all over and not put away.  

    That's why it takes me so long to find my scissors, or car keys, or ringing phone, or wallet, get the drift.

    But dammit!  Those dishes are red/blue every single time.

Peace and Love

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