Tuesday, February 20, 2024

doctor, doctor

 I had my annual check up doctor's visit today

    I was almost late because I could not find my car keys.  Or my wallet.  I looked everywhere.  Under the bed, behind the dresser.  Julia went out and looked in the car.  I checked all the coats I have worn in the past week, nothing.

    This is not the first time this has happened to me and it won't be the last.  But it is very frustrating.

    Julia asked me when I had them last.  I said when I went to Emily's to let out the dogs yesterday.

    She asked if I checked my jeans.

    There they were.  I had changed pants and left all of it in my jeans.

    Now, setting the stage for the doctor; exam went well, got some direction to help my thumb situation, generally a good discussion.  Yes, my BP is higher than it should be.  I will be monitoring at home more consistently and I do have a new prescription that addresses that issue.

    She made the mistake of asking if I had any other concerns.

    I told her yes.  I am afraid I am developing, or showing early signs, of Ahlzimers because of all the stuff I forget.

    So, she did a screening, asking a bunch of questions, and totaled up my score.

    I had a 39 out of 40, which means no problem with the memory.

    We then talked about the life of a caretaker and how that increases stress and can cause me to forget things.  It's not a disease or illness, it's just being overloaded with details.

    Honestly, I felt a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

    I have had 3 friends who have lately been concerned with memory loss.  All are about my age.  It just scares me, which is why I brought it up.

    Now, if I can just remember where I put those damn car keys I would be one happy camper.

    And yes, I have a basket to put them in.  When I remember.

Peace and Love

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