Thursday, February 1, 2024

a mystery

 Sometimes life presents you with a mystery

    Something you can't figure out.  Like, why the printer does not print.  Why several things go wrong at once.  Why some food spoils faster than you can eat it.

    Why my underwear was on the sidewalk in front of the house.

    Yes, my underwear.  On the sidewalk.  In front of the house.  

    Jackie had her hair done today.  We left about 12:30, got home about 3.  I noticed a blue object on the sidewalk as we pulled into the driveway..

    Got out of the car, thinking it was a delivery that didn't make the porch, and found a pair of my underwear.

    Yes sir.  Blue boxers.  In a heap on the sidewalk.

    I don't think they walked out there by themselves.  I thought maybe dog Beth grabbed them and ran outside with then, but Julia never saw her do that.  And Beth has never done that before, so the chances of her doing it now are pretty slim.

    It's a mystery.

    Funny thing is, I have not gone outside on the front sidewalk since the UPS guy came with a delivery yesterday.  I went out to meet him and grab the boxes.  The underwear was not there  when I went out, and I was typing in the den when he pulled into the driveway.

    Like I said.....a mystery.

    Ghosts?  Perverted burglar?  Curious neighbor?

    Who knows.

    Julia saw them when she went out with Beth this afternoon, but refused to pick them up.  Go figure.

    Mystery 2.

    Why isn't my printer printing?  

    No mystery on the next 2.  Garage door guy came and replaced my keypad to c open the overhead door.  It works much better.  Electrician came and cleaned the controls on the attic exhaust fan, which now is not running constantly.  

    Mystery 3.

    What's next to break?

    Got a neat Christmas ornament today......from two of the people who were in London with me.

    It is very appropriate.

Peace and Love

We were in London last July

And I lost my passport.  This ornament will be a reminder of a frightening, yet still somehow funny, experience.  Thanks  Cathy and Sheri!

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