Wednesday, January 31, 2024

who dat?

 I don't follow college sports

    Yes, I do watch a bowl game or two at the end of the season.  I have not been to a college game in 100 years. And I only watch the NCAA basketball  finals when the time comes.

    I have watched 1 women's game in person and none on tv.

    Until tonight.

    No, I did not watch the entire game.  But I watched enough to see the Caitlin Clark mania.

    Iowa played at Northwestern tonight, (Game on Peacock) and for the first time in women's basketball history there was a sellout at the stadium.  Some tickets on the aftermarket were going for $158.

    Clark is a senior at Iowa and has a scoring average of about 32 points per game.  She is also the Big Ten assist leader.  A friend in Iowa said to watch her if I ever had the chance.

    College students can now be compensated under the Name Image Likeness provisions of collegiate sports.  How big is Caitlin Clark?

    $739,000 big this season, if the Google geeks are correct.

    A basketball card of hers was rumored to sell for $78,000, but that was a rumor.  I have not checked to see if that was true.

    No matter where Iowa goes to play, the stadium seems to sell out.  She is a draw.  I watched her take some 3 point shots and she seems deadly accurate.

    She is bringing a new awareness to women's basketball and that is good, in my opinion.  I wish her well the rest of this season, in the playoffs, and in the pros.

    I went to Cypress House for a coffee after a Pickin' Station visit today.  I was real excited to see they had a cherry dark chocolate mocha on the menu.  It was written on the outside board.

    I told the Cypress House girl I wanted a cherry dark chocolate mocha and she looked at me like I was daffy..

    "Terry, we don't have that."

    "Yes you do.  It's on your menu board."

    "It is?  I have to see that."

    We march outside and I say, "Lower left corner.  Cherry dark chocolate mocha."

    She looks at it and says, "Uh, Terry, it says raspberry dark chocolate mocha. Not cherry."

    By golly!  She was right!!!

    How in the hell did I get cherry out of that?

    I had one anyway and it was very good.   But it wasn't cherry.

    One downside to the doctor visit yesterday.

    I weighed in at 196.  I weigh in at home every Wednesday  after I shower and I have been around 192, but I know I don't wear 4 pounds of clothes.

    Sure enough....this morning I was 195 on the scale.

    I gained 3 pounds in the last week!  Mainly due to cupcakes, cookies, and chocolate hearts.  And I am sure raspberry dark chocolate mochas don't help either.

    My New February resolutions are:  avoid French fries; walk; limit chocolate hearts to 1 per day;  cut back on pop; be aware of what I am eating, and how much.

    I really would like to be 190 by my birthday.  That was my goal last year, but I never made it.  I hope to this year.

    And that is my boring life for today.....

    Except I did something I hate.  I was on 20th Street and a guy was waiting to cross the road.  I did no stop for him.  My excuse is he was on a bicycle and it was a pretty crappy day to be riding.  But state law is I have to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks.  I think he was ready to cross.  There is a button to push to turn on the flashing yellow warning lights....that would have been a signal.  I just did not see him. I will be more aware next time.

Peace and Love

Here are some of our offerings at Pickin' Station.

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