Tuesday, October 31, 2023

What was that!

We had a snow squall today 

    This morning the snow was coming sideways...horizontally... and it was weird to watch.

    This afternoon it came down in all directions.  It was pretty heavy for a while, but did not leave much of an accumulation.  In fact, there was none on the roads near us, just snow on the grass.

    Otherwise, ti was a pretty tame day.

    I went to Rotary for the first time in 2 months, made a trip to DeKalb for a coat repair, bought milk and came home in time for our dog training session.

    Julia made supper and I spent time watching a couple of innings of the World Series.  I would like Arizona to win, but it does not look promising.  I do have to remember the Cubs trailed in their series before rallying to win it all.

    When we moved into this house we planted 2 sugar maples in the front yard.  One of them did not last, but the other is a beauty, especially in the fall.

Peace and Love

Some guy named Hans is missing his underwear.  How did I get it?

Julia bought a lot of carved cans....makes the season a little more festive

Our sugar maple two days ago

The sugar maple today

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