Sunday, October 15, 2023

not me!

 I laugh when I see other people be me

    You know what I mean.

    You do something stupid and get mad at yourself, then you see someone else do the same thing and laugh at them.

    I have a problem with names.  Everyone knows that.  I call people random names, variations of their names, and just plain wrong Kelsey for Haley and Haley for Kelsey.

    Jackie keeps telling me to just not use a name.

    That does not always help.

    One time, a long, long time ago, I saw the mother of one of the boys in my class in line at the grocery store.  I had given the boy a note to give to his mother about his school work.

    I went up to the lady and said, "Look in your son's book bag for a note from me."

    I went back to Jackie and she asked who that was.  I told her it was Timmy's mom.

    "No she isn't," Jackie said.  

    So this lady in the store probably wondered why a total stranger was putting a note in her son's book bag.

    Well, last night I was in a grocery store.  It was one where there were actual people working the check out lanes.  I was second in line, a man was ahead of me with a small order of 6 or 7 items, and a man was behind me.

    The first man was getting his money out when the man behind me said in a loud voice, "Now I see why this line is going so slow.  C'mon, hurry up!" and he laughed and tapped the man on his shoulder.

    There was an audible gasp from the man behind me as he realized this guy was a total stranger!   He said, "Oh...I'm so sorry!" and I immediately felt his pain and started to laugh.

    Laughter.  It is a tension breaker.

    We were in my brother's room at the hospital today.  He was actually awake and talking.  Mostly the word "no", but he was communicating.  

    When the nurse came in with some oral pain reliever he said "no".  "no"   "no" and then in the clearest voice came the phrase that sounds a lot like "brother trucker", but isn't.  

    We all were stunned, then we started to laugh and he said it again.  And again.  And again. 

    He finally stopped and drifted back to sleep.

    It is so hard watching this guy struggle for air, to say a simple word,  He's my brother, and I can't do a thing to help him.  That hurts.

    He moves to hospice on Tuesday.

    Thank you all for your prayers for him and his family.

Peace and Love

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