Wednesday, November 1, 2023

open wide

 We had dental check ups today

    As you can assume, a trip to the dentist is not high on my list of things to do.

    In fact, I think I have only had 4 dentists in may entire life!

    And I am counting the one I bit.  I was about 5 and he was hurting me.  So I bit his thumb.  Hard.

    After the appointment he told my mother he would never treat me again because I was a biter.  My brothers and cousins thanked me because we all went to him and he hurt every one of us.  But I was the only one brave enough to bite back.

    So we ended up going to Dr. Graves. who was a saint of a dentist.  In fact, after Jackie and I were married we still went to him, as he would set aside a Saturday appointment for me and then for Julia too.  We would drive to a bank building on Irving, Lincoln and Damen on a Saturday, then go visit my parents and friends.

    I was cooking pork chops on the July 4 weekend when one of the chops fell onto our gravel driveway.  I picked it up, dusted it off, and finished cooking it.  I kept it aside and washed it, planning to eat it myself.

    Well, the first bite hit a chuck on unseen gravel an I broke a tooth.  I called Dr. Graves but he was on vacation.  I said I would wait for him to get back.  But I could not.  The pain was intense.  I called a couple of dentists but nobody would see me.

    Jackie told me to call my friend Vicki and explain the situation.  I  finally did.  Her husband was a dentist and after she explained my pain, he told me to meet him at his office 15 minutes later.

    I did, he fixed my tooth, and he became my third dentist.  We stayed with him for a number of years, but he became ill and eventually passed away.

    So we started going to Dr. Wilson.  We have been going to him for a number of years   He gets my business because he does not hurt me.  My fear is he will retire and I'll have to start looking again.

    When I do it will be for a dentist that doesn't believe in pain, has a sense of humor,  and won't mind an occasional bite.

    By the way, my teeth today got an A+.  So did Jackie's.

    Now I can relax for a few months.

Peace and Love

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