Sunday, October 29, 2023


 Today was a horrible weather day

    It was cold, and rainy, and cold, and windy.  Did I mention cold?

    I only have a couple of things to do outside.  

    I have to pick up the hoses and all the yard ornaments and bring them in.

    But I did not want to do that in the rain.  and cold.

    Luckily, before I went to let out Emily's hounds, I moved our roses and my mojito mint into the garage.  I put the roses in big ass planters on the patio and did not realize how heavy they were.  It was a struggle, and I should have asked Julia for help, but I figured I could do it myself.  Mistake.

    Nothing broken, luckily.

    Trick or treating ended a 8 last night in our area.

    At about 10 minutes to, a couple of cars stopped out in front and a bunch of kids came to the door.

    There must have been 10 of them.  They looked to be about 5th or 6th grade.

    They all said trick or tread, happy Halloween, and one kid yelled. "Happy birthday."

    I stopped and said, "How did you know it was my birthday?  Are you going to sing to me?"

    And they sang happy birthday.  But since they did not know my name, they said, mister, sir, and one kid yelled grandpa.

    I just laughed.  I gave them a handful of candy and they took off, leaving a littler girl standing there.  She had a blond wig and big bazookas and the cutest face.

    "I'm Dolly Parton," she said.

    I asked her if she was the only girl in the group and when she said yes, I asked if the boys always left her to go last and she said yes.

    So she go 2 handfuls of candy.

    I don't know the kids, but they said they came from Byron.  They were a fun group.

    After Jackie went to bed I made a toddy, sat down to finish my e-book and ran out of power 2 pages from the end.

    That's my excitement for the past 2 days......watching the Bears and it is not a pretty game.  But I will finish the book.

Peace and Love

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