Saturday, October 7, 2023

killer bagels

I ate a bagel today

    I know.....big deal.  People eat bagels all the time.

    This was one Julia bought.  She had 4 in bags in the freezer, and I ate one today.

    I will never eat another one.

    I don't know if it was a garlic bagel, or an onion one.  But I do know it did not agree with me at all. 

    I was queasy all afternoon.  Not sick, but not feeling right in the big ol tummy area.

    I still managed to get 3 loads of laundry done, although I just finished folding them.  Towels, sheets, and my stuff.  

    We had meatloaf for supper.  Usually we order out on Saturday night, but Julia is gone and she hates meatloaf.  I figured it was a good time for us to have it.  I even pulled 2 carrots out of the garden and cut them up for our vegetable.  Yes, 2 carrots because they were pretty big.  

    Dog Beth is moping around the house, missing Julia.  She does not want to eat her food, because Julia did not make it.  So I have resorted to adding bits of things.. cheese, dog treats, itty bitty bits of meatloaf from the pan....and then she eats.  She has trained us well.

    I did not get up to visit my brother because of my stomach.  My understanding is he has not worsened any and has not had any more seizures or strokes. He is semi awake, knows people are there, but is still on a ventilator.  I plan to go up tomorrow, stomach willing.

    And thanks to all who have helped out with a prayer or two.  It means a lot.

    So much for my life!

    But boy!  Last weekend was 30 degrees warmer!  Talk about a sudden change.

    Julia is in Chicago with  Selin,  a friend from Switzerland.  Selin  is running the Chicago Marathon.  After the race they are going to crash downtown and them come out here Monday for a short visit.  Then it's back to Switzerland on Wednesday.

    Jackie and I are looking forward to the visit.  

    Have a great Sunday!

Peace and Love

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