Saturday, October 28, 2023


 I love traditions

     A tree at Christmas, egg nog, mistletoe....traditions.

    Turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie..... traditions.

    Hearts with little sayings on them, chocolates, cards, valentines..... traditions.

    That is why I am having a hard time tonight.

    Today is Oct 28.   Hunters' Moon in the sky, Bobbie's birthday, and kids out trick or treating.  Oct. 28.Not a tradition.

    Halloween is Oct. 31!  Always has been, always will be.  I hope.  But for some reason, the locals are doing trick or treating tonight.   I know, Tuesday is a school night and when I was teaching I dreaded the day after Halloween because the kids were bonkers.  Or comatose, depending on the sugar intake.

    Every Christmas Jackie and I watch Meet me in St. Louis.  (It's a tradition.)

    I am always amazed at the Halloween scene.  Kids having a bonfire in the middle of he street, throwing all sorts of wood and furniture on the blaze, and then attacking people by knocking on their door and throwing flour in their faces!  All unsupervised by adults.

    The movie is set in 1904 and  I always wonder how accurate that is.  The kids never seem to ask for candy in the movie.  I always suspected the candy idea came from a chocolate maker as a way to boost sales.

    Anyway, we had about 20-25 kids so far.  Some I know were from the neighborhood because their adults walked or rode golf carts. In town I know some houses will have 200 kids, even more.  But we are a rural area and the houses are spread apart.

    I love seeing the costumes, and the innocence on the faces.  Almost all of them, maybe even all of them, said thank you.

    One group of age  9 or 10 knocked.  I opened the door and looked at them and said, in a growly voice, "Yeah? "

    They just stood there, not knowing what to say.  I may have even scared them a little (tradition).

    They just stared at  me and I slapped my head and said, "Oh!  You're trick or treating!  I forgot!"  And I gave them each a handful of candy.

    As a digression, I went to the monthly market at Cypress House today and ran into a bunch of people I have not seen in a while.  I remembered most of their names. It was great visiting and chatting with them.

    And I almost froze my butt off mowing today!  Dang, it was chilly!

    It's almost 8 p.m., when the trick or treating hours end.  I am going to establish a tradition by turning out the lights and having some wine.

    Peace and Love


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