Thursday, October 19, 2023

so far, so good

 Our health seems to be ok

    Jackie and I feel good, despite living with Covid.  Julia is feeling better, but we are trying to be distant from her.

    I did have an error in last night's blog.  Julia did get to visit her uncle before she got sick.  She saw Carl in the hospital prior to getting Covid, and maybe that is where she caught it.  Who knows.I am glad she had the chance to say good bye.

    I talked to Ruth, my sister in law, she seemed ok but I know the loss is still settling in.  Please keep her in your prayers.

    I didn't go out of the house today except to get the mail.  Jackie did not attend her board meeting, because we just want to be certain that we are ok before going out with people.  We will both test again tomorrow, but I suspect we will be negative.

    We also cancelled our cleaning lady for today, which means I have to clean.  I cleaned our bedroom and bathroom today and will do the nook and great room tomorrow, maybe.  Julia will handle her bathroom and bedroom.

    I don't mind cleaning.  What I do mind is having to do it all at one time.  I would be fine cleaning one room a day.  Problem is, when I finished I would be ready to start over again.  I just get bored doing it.

    I did make a list of all the things I would like to get done before seems pretty long.  If I do one a day from now until Jan 31 I will finish, I think.

    I just need to get on the stick with the little things....repotting a plant, cleaning up the garden.... stuff that does not take a long time.

    Speaking of the garden, we had some of the last tomatoes on our salad tonight.  I will miss those.

Peace and Love

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