Monday, October 9, 2023


 I am a candy freak

    I love the sweet stuff, especially chocolate in any form. 

    Sometimes I admit I have no control over myself.

    For example:  I found a bag of malted milk Easter eggs Julia had in the pantry.

    Now, I figured Easter was a few months ago and she had simply forgotten these, or lost interest.  So while she was away for 3 days I opened the bag and started munching away.

    Now, I did not eat all of them....Jackie had 2 or 3.   But there are very few left.

    Julia came home today and saw the remainders and said, "What the hell....I was saving those!"

    Seems she has cravings where she likes certain candies and malted milk Easter eggs are one of the candies she was saving  until she had a craving for them.

    Oops.  Her cravingsbetter be pretty small.

    Grace came for dog training today.  I always put some dog treats in my sweatshirt pocked to reward Beth.  We had a pretty good session today.

    When Celine and Julia got back from Chicago, we decided to order Mexican for supper. We placed the order, and I went to get it.  I stuck a last few malted eggs in my pocket for the road.

    I got to the corner, popped a couple in, and found they really tasted pretty yucky.  I reached my hand in my pocked again and pulled out the treats.


    Not a great combination.  

    But, I guess that is Karma coming at me.

    My brother is still in ICU, still dealing with some issues.  I did not visit today but hopefully will get up there Wednesday.

    Thank you all for your prayers.

Peace and love

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