Friday, October 20, 2023

not me!!

 I have had better days

    Nothing major, just little things.

    Like finding out the crossing on 38 at the Burlington tracks was closed.  I knew that.  I just did not know it was still closed.  I. thought it was only closed for a day or two.

    I had to take a small detour.

    I went to Pickin Station and found that I sold 3 things this month.   3.  Three.  1 less than 4.  But there are sill 2 weeks left.

    Mailed some stuff, then went to Wally World.

That's when my troubles began.

    This morning I made oatmeal and found the Pyrex bowl we use for that had a crack in it.  It was not broken, there was no loose glass, but I figured it was a matter of time.  Sri I tossed it out.  Yes!  I tossed it out!!

    I prowled the aisles, but did not find the bowls we wanted.  Funny, if you add an e to bowls, it creates an entirely different word with a very different meaning. And spell check will not catch it.

    I went into one aisle and a man was already there, and the aisle stank like the dickens.  H had terrible gas!

     Problem is, he left and a lady entered. looked at me, and left the aisle immediately.  I know she thought I was the culprit, but it was not me.  This time.

    I did see a friend, called her the right name, and we chatted.

    I saw Santa Claus.

    I did buy some laundry deetergtent but I had to go to the pharmacy and ask someone to read the small print to be sure I can use it in non HE nachines, since that is what is at the laundromat.   Long story.

    Went to a human staffed check out with my groceries and a giant package of toilet paper.  I said to the girl, "Put as much in the bag as you can."

    Now, this bag is maybe 12 inches by 18 inches.  The toilet paper takes up most of the cart.

    She looks at me and asks, "Do you want the toilet paper in the bag too?"  Seriously!!!  What the Hell.

    I paid, went int to the lot and proceeded to walk down the lane where I thought my car was parked.  Nope, not here.

    I always try to park by a tree or light, but this time I did not.

    I went by a car with a lady sitting in it and the second time I went past, I swear she started laughing.  Probably texted her friends about the old man lost in t he parking lot.

    Things to note:   Covid test #2 was negative.  I feel ok.  So does Jackie .  Got up before 10.  Did not nap.   Did not have an afternoon coffee.  

    But I may go to bed by 10.  Hopefully.

Peace and Love

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