Thursday, October 12, 2023


My new recliner was delivered today 

    It replaces the one I had for who knows how many years.  I know we had it on Skare Court, and I think we had it a few years over there.  I sort of remember recovering from a surgery in that chair, but I don't remember which  surgery.  

    I bet it was 20 years old.

    A part broke on it years ago and I called the company that sold it.  It had a lifetime guarantee, which the company said they would honor.  Then they dropped the nugget that I would have to pay for the actual repairs, because the guarantee only covered parts.  The service call would be $150 an hour.  So, I never got it fixed.

    If I lean too far forward it tries to throw me to the floor. Plus, it just isn't comfy anymore.

    My new chair is bigger, softer, has a  power control, and even rocks, although I am not a big fan of the rocker part.

    Not only was it delivered and set up, but the old chair was hauled away.  Which is great, because I would have ended up putting it someplace in the house, even though it was not working properly.  That is how I am.

    I spent the afternoon in Rockford with my  brother and his family.  He is entering the hospice phase of hospital care.  The aim is to keep him comfortable.  

    It breaks my heart to see hm the way he is.  

   The end of life is always hard.

Peace and Love

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