Wednesday, October 4, 2023

me! me! Pick me!!

 I would like to be Speaker of the House

    I know, what experience do I have?

    None.  Zilch.  Zero

    But I can't be any worse than what is happening now.

    I promise I will listen to both sides before ruling the way I want.  I will be nice to people I like, regardless of party, and piss on the rest.

    I would not sell my influence to any foreign power.  I may rent it to some, but I would never sell it.

    When I do screw up, which I will, I will blame the media, the left wing part and Fox News.

    I would model my behavior after Sen. Melendez.  This poor man is being made an. example of, just because he likes to have some cash on hand in case of emergencies.  Granted, I usually have a little less than $480,000 stuffed in envelopes and put in coat pockets in the closet, but I do put $40 aside for emergencies. 

    And the gold bars they found in his closet? We all should be hoarding gold for when the economy melts down and gold is the only valuable commodity.  In fact, I have some gold too.  I store it in the back of my mouth on the right side.  That way no one can steal it.

    Every day I am more astounded than the previous day that in a country of over 350,000,000, people  this is the best we can do.  Really?

    Where are all the people with ideas and honor and a willingness to work to improve the country?

    I can tell you where they aren't

    But that all could change with me being Speaker. Hell, I might even appoint  Marjorie off her nut Greene to a high ranking post on the biggest slow in congress committee.

    Gah......what a world.

Peace and Love

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