Friday, October 6, 2023

not much

 I don't have much to say tonight

    I know, I don't have much to say most nights, but I still say it!

    Today was just a so so day.  We had a home health assessment appointment through our insurance providers and that was the highlight of the day.

    The person asks a lot of questions, gathers some data, and does reports that get sent to our PCP.  That is Primary Care Physician, not he mind altering drug.  But you knew that.

    She took my blood pressure and it was a bit high.  That might have been because I had to reorder some pills.  I used the Walmart automated phone program, which to me is a disaster.

    Last night I tried and the voice said to enter my prescription number.  I did.  Nothing happened.  Then it said enter your prescription number.  So I did.  It then told me the number was invalid and I would have to talk. to a pharmacist, but the pharmacy was closed.

    This morning I called and it said to give my date of birth.  I said May 11 1948.  I was ver clear about that.  The voice confirmed saying, "You said November 19, 2008.  Is that correct?"

    When I said no, it connected me to the pharmacy, where I talked to a real person (not my daughter) and ordered a refill.

    That was still on my mind as my BP was taken.

    And, my brother was on my mind.  He is in ICU at St. Anthony, having suffered a stroke and some seizures.  I went to visit him after the assessment, but he is heavily sedated and on a ventilator.  I talked to him, made a few jokes, knowing he can hear me.  

    I did not stay long, but I will go back tomorrow for a bit.

    Prayers for him and his family are appreciated.

Peace and Love

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