Monday, October 2, 2023

fall already?

 Fall is my favorite time of year

    The first frost kills the bugs, the leaves turn beautiful colors, and there is a crispness in  the air you don't feel in summer or spring.  I won't mention winter.  

    I have a few things on my to do list, such as cleaning out the garden and finally getting the bird bath in correctly.  The bird bath will require some work, so I am putting that off as long as possible.

    But here are drawbacks to fall.

    The Cubs usually stop playing.  I love watching them and wish I could go to more games.

    The garden stops growing, so no more fresh tomatoes or beans.  I still have carrots to dig, but that is not a big thing. 

    The flowers lose their color, which is too bad.  Looking at a bunch of brown plants is not very exciting.

    But most of all, fall means another year almost gone. 

    It's a short trip from birth to autumn, isn't it?

    I went to the store tonight.  Took may own reusable bags and put them on the counter where a real person was working and they asked me if I wanted my groceries in my bags.

    I was going to tell her no, that I would just pile them in my arms. but she was young and I bit my tongue. 

    I  had a fantasy that I spent a week in Chicago, seeing all the things the city has to offer.  But, that is unlikely to happen.  Driving down Lake Shore Drive Sunday I was amazed at all the people out enjoying the day.  It really is a great city.

    Three more pictures from Sunday.

    I did not realize the Cubs statues have been moved.  Hell, I didn't even know the Starbucks was gone.

Not sure I like the new location, if it is indeed the new location.

Peace and Love

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