Wednesday, October 25, 2023


 Sometimes I just get a little off

    I had 3 loads of laundry to do today.  No, we have not yet received our new washer and dryer.  It should be delivered this Saturday.

    And we did buy a brand 2 people said don't buy.....I hope we don't end up regretting it.  Consumer Reports listed it as the best HE front load washer/dryer in their product testing.  We'll see.

    I spend $4 per load to wash clothes and about $1 to dry.

    Now, I just do Jackie's and my clothes.  Julia does her own.  Granted, she air dries them, but that is what she did for most of her life in Switzerland.

    I only did 3 loads, I could have done 2 more.

    My point is, I spent about $15 to wash and dry laundry.  If I had a minimum wage job, and a family of 4, ,Iv would probably do twice the laundry I am doing.  So I would be working 4 hours  to do laundry.  Every week.   It would be hard to save for a washer and dryer at that rate.

    Another burden for folks who can't afford it.

    Anyway, got the laundry done.  My kitchen dish clothes came out stained.  I know they are clean, but I can't use them.  It's psychological.  I'll have to wash them again.  I did not use bleach on them, but did put Olyclean in the washer.

    Before I did laundry I stopped at Cypress House and had a London Fog.  That is Earl Gray tea with milk and lavender.  It is really good.

    I sometimes pop $1 in the tip jar, and today was one of those days.

    Got to the laundromat and went to get quarters an I had 2 $5 bills.  I know I put a $10 bill in my wallet before leaving the house.  Am I a generous tipper?

    Had to drive to the bank, hit the ATM. get some quarters and go back to start the third machine.

    When I got home I found the $10 bill on the table, which made me feel better.  Cheaper, but better.

    I made brats and 3 cheese Mac and cheese for supper.  I can't seem to balance getting a vegetable on the stove at the same time.  Julia is still testing positive for Covid, so we keep her away from the food.

    I always throw an extra handful of shredded cheese in the the Mac and cheese.  I did that tonight, using mozzarella to add a little flavor.

    But when I started eating it was so bland.  Jackie thought so too.

    Because it was tasteless, my first thought was I am getting Covid and losing my ability to taste.  But I could taste the brats.  Hmm.

    Mystery solved when I started doing dishes and I found the packet of cheese to put in the Mac and cheese.  Seems the only cheese in it was the mozzarella I added.

    Some day I will get the hang of cooking.

Peace and Love

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