Monday, October 16, 2023


 I finally mowed the lawn today

    I was partially frozen when I finished.

    I had on 2 jackets, gloves, mittens, winter boots, a snow suit, and 6 hats and I was still cold.

    Actually, I did not have that much on.

    But I was layered and cold.

    This is how my mind works.

    I had a Workmate device to wear when I mow.  This is an ear protector with a radio built in.  All you have to do is hit a couple of buttons.

    This is new this year.

    The kids gave me one a few years ago, but but battery case door broke and I can't keep the batteries in.

    So, I ordered a new one.

    I have no idea why.  I don't like it.  I can't get the Bluetooth to work, so I don't know when the phone is ringing.  And I can't play music on my phone when I mow.  I had the same problem with the old one, but I figured it was a new one and would work better.

    Because I can't play music, I have to listen to the radio.

    When the Cubs are playing it's not bad.  But it is October, and they are not playing.  Again.

    I don't like country, rap, pop current pop music, whatever it is called.  Give me oldies and solid rock.

    The problem is I can find 2 stations that play that type of music.

    But one of the stations doesn't get picked up when I am mowing to the south.  It only picks up mowing to the north.  And the other one only picks up when I am mowing toward the west, not when I am mowing toward the west.

    Freeking weird.

    I ended up listening to the local station, which plays country and rock, although I don't listen long enough to figure out when they do either.

    When I had kids I was always telling them to pick up stuff in the yard before I mowed.

    I forgot to tell Beth that.

    That's what her little stuffed whatever it was looks like after being hit by a mower.

    I thought I hit a really bunny!  White stuff was flying all over the place.  But it turned out to be a stuffed animal.  I bet Beth does not even miss it.

    I did not visit my brother today, but plan on going tomorrow. There has been no major change in his condition.  The family is meeting with a hospice coordinator tomorrow.

Peace and Love

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