Wednesday, October 11, 2023


 We seem to have a lot more time on our hands

    The Cubs are done, so we don't spend so much time watching TV.

    Which is good, because I have been out of the house a lot lately.

    Today Jackie had an appointment in DeKalb.  She has these every 6 weeks or so. I see the same doctor she does.  Today  I apologized to one of the staff members there.

    The other day the phone rang and I answered it, despite it being a number I did not recognize.

    I picked it up,  said hello, and a man  asked, "Is this Terry?'  I sreplied in a snarly voice, "Who is asking?"

    Turned out to be a scheduler for the doctor.  I have an appointment coming up and it had to be changed, so he was calling to set a new date and time.

    I told him today that  I was sorry I acted rudely, but I did not recognize the number and thought it was a solicitor.  He said he gets that a lot, and we laughed about it.

    Why did I pick up?  Because I have been in contact with lots of relatives who live in different area codes and I wanted to be sure I was not missing an important call.

    After the doctor's visit, we came back to Rochelle and spent about 20 minutes driving around town looking at the hay bales.

    If you are not from Rochelle, a brief explanation.  Each October businesses, schools, organizations, or groups are given the opportunity to get a round hay bale and decorate it.  The bales are about 5 feet in diameter.

    This year bales  ran from the basic spray paint it orange and stick a  stump on it to create a pumpkin, to a three bale ( one round and two rectangular)  production showing a church before  it lost its steeple.  What surprises Jackie and me is that we don't even remember the church having a steeple!  Oh well.

    The latest on my brother is that he is most likely heading into hospice care.  Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Peace and Love

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