Sunday, October 8, 2023


 My sleeping habits stink

    I went to bed about 12 las night, despite my pledge to go to bed by 11.  I just cant seem to hit that time.

    Like tonight.  It's 9:30 and I have a couple of things to do, including getting Jackie into bed and doing a load of laundry.

    I do like to read for 15-20 minutes before hitting the sheets, but I don't always have enough time to do that.

    Last night I could not get comfy temperature wise.  I was hot, cold, my feet were hot, my back was cold.  It was a struggle.  

    Looking back at my Facebook memories, I frequently complain about not being able to sleep.  

    The impact is.... we got up at 10 this morning.  Bt the time Jackie got up, showered, and dressed, tt was about 12:30.  That is not good.

    Beth did not even stir! But she did run like mad when I opened her kennel door.  Poor girl.  Her eating habits are all screwed up with the time issues and Julia not being here to make her food the right way.

    I went to Rockford today and spent some time with my brother.  he seems to be doing better, but is still sedated and just appears to be sleeping soundly.

    I spent time with his wife, and my nephew an niece, talking about the situation and life in general.

    Sadly, today was their anniverary, something close to 60 years.  What a terrible way to spend it.

    I was doing home and looked at my speedometer and saw I was going 60 in a 45!   So I immediacy slowed down to 50.  Cars were passing me like crazy.  t don't know at what point I noticed I had somehow changed the speedometer to show kilometers per hour, not miles.  I was doing 30.  No wonder I was passed so often.

    I have not been able to send or receive texts in the dar.  Today I could not order a coffee from my phone.  I texted Emily in Starbucks and she said that was weird, and asked if my data was turned off.

    I looked.  It was.

    Turned it back on and everything works like it should.

    I have no idea how I did that either.

Peace and Love

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