Monday, October 30, 2023


 I am worn out from today

    I made Jackie breakfast and lunch, then took a 90 minute nap.  

    Yes, 90 minutes.  And I am barely keeping my eyes open.

    I got to bed by 11:30 and went to sleep almost right away.  So I am getting plenty of sleep.

    I did make my daily trip to Walmart.  I swear, I no sooner get home when I discover something else we need.  Making lists does not help if you don't know what you need when you make the list.

    There is always tomorrow.

    My big surprise for the day was putting on my winter coat and discovering the zipper was broken. At least I found out before it actually got cold, and by that I mean in the 20s.  the coat is like some  people I know....missing teeth.

    So tomorrow I will take it to DeKalb to see if the nice people at The Cotton Club can replace the zipper.  If not, I need to order a new coat.

    I am not good with zippers.  I have another coat which has had the zipper replaced once, and might need it replaced again.  Maybe I should take both of them tomorrow.  

    Why replace the zipper?

    Because the coat was expensive.  Plus, it is warm and I like it.  I may not be able to find another one in my size that I like.

    'Nuff said.

    I am watching the World Series, sort of .  I have no idea who some of the people are in the commercials.  Is that Derek Jeter driving home in a huge SUV?  And are Joe Montana, Emmett Smith and Jerry Rice in a commercial with Bubba Smith?  Is that a real umpire in the Ken Griffey Jr. commercial for the insurance group?  Who is the guy in the Taco Bell commercial an why do they need a breakfast burrito??

    If I never know, I still won't care.  

    And for heaven's sake....I don't care with Taylor and Travis do.

Peace and Love

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