Thursday, October 26, 2023

Woo hoo

I had a pretty good day today 

    I don't say that often.  But today was nice.

    I downloaded Skype on our computer.  We had it on our old computer, but when we switched it sort of got forgotten.   I was able to download it by myself today!  Sure it took me about 20 minutes, and yes, maybe I downloaded it 2 or 3 times before I realized I had done it.  But I did it.

    I even changed my password o something I will never remember and I did  write it down.

    After I got it downloaded, I Skyped my nephew in Switzerland, whom I have not talked to since our visit in July.  I told him about Skype and he said "You could always FaceTime."  I forgot about that!  

    Then I put teak oil on my outside table and chairs.  I even put a second coat on them, so they are ready for next spring.  Now all they have to do is dry.

    I also swept up part of the garage.  It is still pretty messy, but at least the floor is swept.  

    Why do I collect all this crap??

    I went to Starbucks in town today.  Usually I go to Cypress House, but today was half price day and I was in the mood for a or a latte.

    I got there at about 2:40 only to discover the place was packed.

    Seems the high school gets out at 2:30 on Thursdays and lots of students head to Starbucks.

    If I was a high school boy, I would too.  I counted 17 girls and 3 boys inside the store. 

    And yet, I felt like I was 110 years old.  Hell, I could have been their grandfather...or even their great grandfather!!!  

    A 17 year old could have a 37 year old mother, who could have a 57 year old mother, who could have a 75 year old father.......great grand pa!!!!

    Boomer, hell.

    I have to get some plants in from outside.  I have 2 roses in containers that need to come in, plus I still have to pick up the hoses and some decorations.  

    The weather is supposed to be nice for a couple of days, but I heard the weather guy say the s word is possible on Monday.  

    We never made it to Morton Arboretum see the colors, or drive along the Rock River.  I guess we blew our chance this year.

    Like all true Cubs fans, we will wait until next year.

Peace and Love

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