Wednesday, October 18, 2023

is it? or not?

 Well, our luck ran out

    Julia tested positive for Covid today.

    She has not been feeling well for the past week or two, and decided last night  to take a Covid test.  Bingo!!

    She tested again tonight.  Bingo!!

    Jackie and I tested but we were both negative.  We will repeat tests Friday morning.

    Julia never got to see my brother in the hospital because she has been sick and did not want to spread whatever she had, not knowing it was Covid.

    I want to give a heartfelt thanks to all your comments on yesterday's blog.  It has not been easy, but watching him in that condition was hard on everyone.  Thank you for keeping him and the family in your thoughts and prayers.

    Because we may have been exposed to Covid, we pretty much stayed in the house.  I say pretty much, because I ran out of socks and towels, so I had to do 2 loads of laundry.

    I could have taken them to Emily's, but then I would have to wait around for both loads.   The laundromat seemed quicker.

    Unlike Switzerland, where a load of laundry and drying cost us about $20, if not more, I did 2 loads for about $14, including buying soap.  

    There were only 2 other people in the place, and they left shortly after I got there.

    But I still sat out in the car reading.  I can't understand why my Kindle does not always work.  The book is downloaded, right?  Luckily I brought a hard cover too.  Network, scmetwork.

    We had leftovers tonight.

    It was bizarre.

    Jackie spilled her drink.  As I was cleaning it up I upended her plate of pizza and it hit the floor.  I spent a lot of time on my hands and knees and an even longer time trying to get up.

    Now I am relaxing with a toddy........decaf tea, honey, and a couple of shots of cheap whiskey.  I am already getting sleepy.

Peace and Love

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