Saturday, October 14, 2023

Sad anniversary

 Today's date has long slipped my mind

    Some things you remember because you read about them, like Pearl Harbor or D Day, or you witnessed them, like JFK's assassination  and Armstrong's walk on the moon.

    Some dates you file and sometimes forget, like Oct. 8, 1871, the date of the Great Peshtigo Fire.  There was another fire the same day, one we all hear off every October.  That was the Great Chicago Fire.  But Peshtigo's fire killed more people than the Chicago one, and burned thousands of acres, destroying dozens of towns.  

    Today marks the 20th anniversary of the Cubs collapse in the National Leave championship series.  

    They lead the series 2-1 and were ahead in the eighth, needing only 5 outs tom make the World Series for the first time since 1945.

    But a foul ball was not caught because a fan tried to catch it.  Instead of an out, it was a foul.  The next ball was a ground ball too short, which should have been easily turned into a double play.  Instead, the shortstop drops the ball and the Cubs allow a 3-0 win to turn into an 8-3 loss. The series finale also went south, with the Cubs losing again.  

    Cubs fans would have to wait until 2016 to celebrate a championship.  I just hope they can do it again in my life time.

    Speaking of life times, we have been talking about getting a new clothes dryer because ours does not work properly.  Well, I can honestly say that is not the problem anymore.  Now it does not work at all.

    Any recommendations?  We are leaning toward Samsung, again.  But GE could be a contender.

    I visited my brother today.  There is no change in his condition.  He is still in a sleep state, although he does shake his head no from t time to time if you ask him questions.  the night nurse was in his room and commented that it was really raining, and he shocked her by saying, "Good, we needed it."

    And this morning he seemed to be able to converse slightly, but when I got there he could not.

    He is scheduled to be moved to a hospice facility on Monday.

    My nephew went back home to PA today and I drove him to the airport instead of him having  to take the bus.  

    Strange, but my brother has brought me back to my niece and nephew in ways I could not imagine.  We have shared some stories, thoughts, and love over the past few days.  

    Too bad it was under these circumstances.

Peace and Love

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