Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Van Winkled

 Today was just one of those days

    Julia, Emily, and Selin were going on an excursion. 

    I thought they said they  were leaving around 10.

    I heard them leave, just about the time the cuckoo cuckooed.  

    When it hit 11, I knew we had slept too late.

    11 a.m.!!!!  We stayed in bed until 11.  Asleep.!!!  Both of us!!!

    I am not around of that, in fact, I wish I was getting up a lot earlier.

    I got to thinking about things today.  

    Selin ran the Chicago Marathon, finishishing in a little over 3 hours, 17 minutes.  I read my bike about 8 miles an hour.  Which means, she ran the marathon at more than the speed that I ride my bike.  That is freaking amazing.

    We had brats and cohops tonight and Selin made a chocolate tart, which was oh so gooood.

    I watched as she made it, and realized I could do this.  I would have to work a little more carefully than I normally do, and pay attention to directions, but I could make one.  

    When she was making it, she got a dish dirty and she washed it right away!!!!   When she was done there was one bowl that was in need of washing.  

    When I make anything, I let the dishes stack up until there is not room left on the counter.  Her way is much more efficient.

    Like I said, we had chops and brats tonight.  Dan and Linda joined us, and it was a very pleasant night.

    I went to Headon's to buy the chops and brats and some salads.  I got in the van, turned around, drove almost to 38 and just felt a draft.  I checked the windows, and they were all up.  It was confusing.

    Then I noticed a red light on the dashboard, indicating my sliding door was open.  I drove from the butcher shop to 38 with my door open!  That's over 1/4 of a mile!  How could I do that???

    I can't blame it on being tired, because I had only been up 4 hours at that point.

    Anyway, it was a good day.

    My brother's condition has not changed much.  Your continued prayers are appreciated.

Peace and Love

Peace and Love

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