Tuesday, August 1, 2023


 My chest hurts from laughing

    So pardon any mistakes there may be in this.  And pardon any language you may find offensive.

    Jackie's brother Bob and his wife Anita  live in Florida.

    During Cub games, Bob and Jackie text/talk back and forth using messenger.  Jackie lately has been using the voice option instead of typing.

    So the Cubs are up 10-3, Bob is going to bed and Jackie says to him:  Tell Anita Hi.  Talk to you tomorrow night.

    About 5 minutes later Julia comes out of her bedroom and says, "What the hell did you say to Uncle Bob?"

    Jackie asked why.

    Julia said, "He sent your message to me.  Read it.  Out loud."

    Jackie is reading it and all of a sudden she starts laughing.  So I take her I-Pad and read her message.

    "Tell Anita Hi.  Fuck you tomorrow night."

    The three of us were in hysterics.  I could hardly breathe I was laughing so hard.  

    I know Jackie did not say that because I heard her.  But the AI did not hear her right.

    And everytime she said that's not what she said, we all laughed harder.

    Yes, you are right.  It does not take a lot to amuse us.

    And I have a feeling we'll be laughing about this for a long time.

    So much for AI, huh?

Peace and Love

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