Tuesday, August 8, 2023

it's not just me

 I am not the only one who makes silly mistakes

    I admit, I make my share.  OK, more than my share.

    Today I was coming out of a store and a man held the door for me.  I said thank you.

    He said, "No problem, Terry."

    I turned to him and asked him how I knew him.

    He said I looked familiar, but he didn't think he knew me.

    I said, "But you called me Terry.  That's my name."

    He said, "I said I like your t shirt."

    Now, I had my hearing aids in.  So I have no idea how I messed that up.

    We have a septic system at our house.

    For you city dwellers, it means instead of a sewer system, our waste goes into a huge tank.  Stuff breaks down and the liquid gravity flows out into a septic field in the back yard.  Then the liquid material leaches  down through the soil.

    Every few years the tank has to be pumped.  We received a letter from the septic company that we should pump our tank.

    So I called the number on the letter.  It had a 568 xxxx number, and Rochelle numbers are usually 562 or 561.  But I called the number they gave.  Jackie and I  were both confused by the 568, but it was on the company's letterhead.

    I got a recording that said to leave a message.

    So I gave my name, address, telephone number and said I would like to set up a time to get my septic tank pumped.

    Usually they respond in a short time.  But as of this morning, I had no response. 

    Jackie asked if I called the right number, I showed it to her.  568 xxxx.  Right number.

    I read the rest of the letter, which I had skimmed when we got it.  At the bottom it said if we had questions to call 562 xxxx

    So I called 562 xxxx and talked to a real human to schedule a pumping.  I mentioned to her that their letterhead had 568 xxxx and she said several letters went out that way and she had no idea where the 8 came from.

    I then told her I left a message to have my tank pumped and we both laughed, thinking some poor person is getting calls about septic tanks.

    I just hope they don't call me at 2 a.m.

Peace and Love

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