Friday, August 18, 2023


I wish I had Meatloafed the day 

    That's going back a few years when Joe Madden was manager of the Cubs.  He said he was happy they "Meatloafed" the series with somebody.

    The reporter was confused, and asked what that meant.

    Madden said "Meatloaf.  Two out of three ain't bad."

    I guess you have to be a Meatloaf fan to figure get it.  I want you, I need you but there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you.  Now don't be sad, cause two out of three ain't bad.

    My 3 things for today:  Mow, clean the bathroom, ride my bike.

    Well, I mowed.

    Jackie had a hair appointment and we didn't get home until about 3, so I watched the last 2 innings of the Cubs.....another disappointment.  Why can't they beat the bottom tier teams?   Grr.

    I mowed and got done about 6.

    I put the mower away and went to get the mail and discovered  I forgot to mow half the front yard!  How is that even possible?

    So I got the mower back out and finished.

    By then it was supper time, so I went to get more distilled water and pick up food.

    Distilled water.

    Batteries take distilled water.

    I need to put water in the batteries of my golf cart.  You have heard that before.

    I have an automatic filler.  I put a siphon in the jug of water, attach it to a hose, and pump.

    Neighbor Jim said to keep pumping until I can't sqeeze the bulb anymore.

    After the first 3 gallons, I asked him to come check what I was doing.  He pulled a battery cover off and could not see any water.

        So, I went and bought 2 more gallons.

    I just finished pumping in gallon 6.  The water is not leaking out, so it must be going into the batteries.  I guess I just had no idea how much water a battery holds.

    I know I need to replace the batteries.  But until I do, I would like to use the cart.

    So tomorrow, more water, more pumping, and crossed fingers.

    I also have to clean the bathroom.  And ride my bike.  And run 2 errands.  And do 2 loads of laundry.  

    I hope I get it all done.  Or at least 2 o the first 3.

Peace and Love

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