Tuesday, August 29, 2023

not again

 I am not prepared for hot temperatures

    My ability to accept them ran out last week, when I nearly melted going out to get the mail.

    Now we are getting it again this weekend.  I am not looking forward to it.

    At least we don't live where there are hurricanes.  Batten down the hatches, Florida and East Coast.  

    Caught a ground squirrel today.  I believe it is 5, maybe 6.  I checked he traps at 11 and at 11:30 I had one.

    I took him out to the park and let him go.  I hope it reunites will all the other ones I have let go out there and they can re-establish their colony.

    I felt a little funky today, so I did not get much done.  I managed to pick up some of the crap in the garage, but not enough to make a difference.  Maybe tomorrow.  Or maybe not.

    We have been watching the Bob Newhart show at night.  These were filmed in the 1970s and it is funny how life used to be.

    The other night Bob and Jerry, the dentist, drove to Peoria so they could watch the Bears/Green Bay game because the game was blacked out in Chicago.

    I remember those days.  If the game was not sold out by Thursday or Friday, then it was blacked out.  If the game was sold out, then it was broadcast.  I remember that, but Jackie doesn't.  It seems Rockford was a popular destination also.

    I don't think people came to Rochelle, because it was dry on Sunday, if I remember correctly.

    I just can't imagine that being done today.  

Peace and Love

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