Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Today I just feel beaten 

    I am sure the heat has a lot  to do with it.  But so does my approach to life.

    I tend to put off doing stuff.  And I take shortcuts.  Put those together, and you have a recipe for disaster.

    I found out today the marks on the side of the van I caused trying to pull into the garage can not be buffed out.  Yikes.

    Add that to the cost of batteries for the golf cart, and I have become a financial liability.

    Add  my complete insensitivity when I say things, and I am in kind of a funk

    At least the Cubs won.

    And someone tell me:  I have been retired for 14 years.  Why do I still have dreams about teaching?  You would think after 14 years away from a classroom I would have put most of that, if not all of it, out of my mind.

    But noooooo.  I still have dreams about teaching.  Weird dreams, not necessarily nice ones. I sort of wish the would disappear.

    Truthfully, there are days I wish I could disappear.  And I guess someday I will, but it will be a long time from now.

Peace and Love

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