Monday, July 31, 2023


 I need to check my garden more often

    I have not done that in a week.  It was hot a couple of days last week and  I did not go out then.

    I should have.

    Some of my beans were old.  I did not include them in my picked pile.  If I had checked last week, they may not have gotten large and lumpy.

    My cucumbers....they are gigantic!  I don't see any little ones out there, just a lot of flowers.  We had a cuke  tonight and Jackie said it tasted fine, but I always think the smaller ones are better.

I     pulled the bean plants because I don't hink the will produce any more.  I plan on planting peas in 2 weeks.  They like cooler weather, and maybe the September days will be good for growing them.

    I also mowed, trimmed, and took a one hour nap.  

    But it is late and my arms are itchy for some reason.

    I also checked out my native garden.  Lots of color.

Peace and Love

They are huge....

The Joe Pye weed is getting tall

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