Saturday, August 26, 2023

arf ... arf....arf??

 Letting out Emily's dogs can be an experience

    Weekends on which she works, I sometimes let them out.  Today was one of those days.

    She texted me to say one of the dogs, Maravalla?, gets put in  the bedroom because she has been getting stuck between  things lately.  And I will just call her M because it's a lot to type.

    Now, M is not a very healthy dog.  She gets a special diet beccause she does not eat.  She is unsteady on her feet and she does not like strangers.  Or most people.  She is very timid and shy.

    Sheri happened to be over weeding.  Which was a lucky thing.

    I got all the dogs out, but could not get the gate to the bedroom open.

    I asked Sheri and she got it open.  Old men are not good at figuring out child gates.

    I could not find M.  I looked everywhere.  I went outside and asked Sheri if M was out here.  I thought maybe she didn't stay in the bedroom when Emily left this morning.

    Sheri came in, we looked through the house, could not find the dog.  Then she looked under the bed and there was M.......evidently stuck.

    I called Emily and she said to drag her out by her legs.....but the dog could not fit beneath the bed  railings.  I had no idea how she got under the bed in the first place.

    So I pulled while Sheri picked up the corner of he 600 pound bed and lifted it high enough to get M out.  I dragged her, M bit my arm twice but she is so weak it did not even leave a dent.

    As we were doing this, Liam, the 800 pound Irish wolfhound, led the others in for a sneak raid on M's food dish.  We pushed and pulled the dogs out and when we got them all out, M stood in the middle of the bedroom and  took a huge pee.

    Sheri went back to weeding, I cleaned up  the pee and the dog yard, got all of them back in except M......who I thought got her head caught in the fence but did not, she was just looking.  

    I picked up the dog who does not like to be handled or be touched by strangers and carried her back into the bedroom and closed the gate.

    My plan was to go home and mow.

    But people were coming to pick up our old entertainment center.  This is about 1,500 pounds and the plan they had to move it did not seem as easy as putting it in the back end of our van.

    So we did.  

    Then I drove the 2,250 pound entertainment center to its new home, where it was unloaded by 7 professional wrestlers, all named Igor, who carried it into its new resting spot.

    The bad news is I did not get the mowing done.  

    The good news is the car is cleaned out.

    The better good news is the Cubs won.

    The best good news is we had dinner with Sheri, Renee, and Wendy and had plenty of laughs and a little wine.

    All in all, it was a pretty damn good day!

Peace and Love

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