Thursday, August 10, 2023

dang it

 I just don't get these new fangled things

    I bought a cord to recharge phones and I pads.  That was about 2 months ago. Plugged things in today and they won't recharge.

    Surely the cords have to last longer than 2 months!  (And I did not mean to call you Shirley.)

    So I plugged them into the frayed one on the computer and they won't charge on that one either.  I imagine since the corde is frayed, it won't work.  But the other cord is not frayed.  What gives?

    I guess I need to buy at least 3 cords, I think they are called lightning cords, but I will have to ask my computer experts.  With my nind, I will go into a store and ask for lightning rods and people will think I am nuts.

    I made a mojito tonight and it was much better than the one  I made the other night.  I used a mix that was not flat.  But I also cut back on the rum because I finished a bottle and did not want to open another one.

    I love a good mojito.  Hopefully tomorrow  night I will mix a perfect one. sit on the deck, and contemplate life.

    For all you sky watchers out there, the Perseid meteor showers are coming up this weekend.

    So for me, it means three days of clouds and rain because that seems to happen whenever there is a neat sky event.

    I don't have a good view of the northern sky, so I plan to drive down to the end of the block and park where there are  a couple of undeveloped lots.  I just hope someone doesn't call the police on me as a suspicous person.

    Time will tell.

Peace and Love


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