Wednesday, August 30, 2023

double damn

 Well, Stanley, you've done it again

    I do a weekly weigh in every Wednesday.

    Last week I finally got down to 189.   That is from the 206 I was in January.

    I was proud of that.  I felt happy with myself.

    Then today happened.

    I tipped the scale at 194.

    In hindsight, I have been eating almost everything in sight. Plus I have not been riding my bike or walking.  Those two combinations are not good for me.

    The weight gain did not seem to slow me down today.  I ate way more than I should have and now I am angry at myself.  When I get angry at guessed it, I eat.  It is a viscous circle.

    Right now I am starving.  


    Caught squirrel number 6 today.  Made another run to the park to set it free, but this one did not run off like the others.  It kind of hung around me.  I almost deceded to bring it back to its home, but it did run off.  About 10 feet.  Then it looked around like it was lost.

    My golf cart was delivered today.  I also have a sheet of instructions on how to care for it, and verbal instructions for winter storage and summer maintenance.  That will help a lot.

    They also learned the batteries in my cart were put in in I had 9 years out of them.  That isn't bad.

    I know it will be too late to do this, but the moon was fantastic when I looked about 40 minutes ago.  It was huge.  And bright.  I could even see the Indian mooncraft!  Grab a peek if you can.

    An exciting Cubs win!  We Meatloafed Milwaukee!!

Peace and Love

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