Thursday, August 17, 2023

Rip VanWinkle

I have had a hard time falling asleep 

    I hit the sheets and just lie there, my mind racing.

    Sometimes I wonder if I am awake or dreaming I am awake, I just am not sure.

    I was tossing until about 1:30 when I washed my feet because they were itchy.  Then I took a Benadryl.  I sort of remember being up about 3:30 because my throat was dry

    But at 6:30, with the hail hitting the house, rain pounding down, wind howling.....I stayed asleep.

    Hail freaks me out, because often it preceeds a tornado.  And it was windy, according to Julia, but I have no idea.

    I slept.  So did Jackie.  It was 10:15 before I got up!  Half the day was already gone!!


    And it takes about 2 hours for Jackie to get ready for breakfast.  In this case, lunch.

    I was still tired.  

    I don't know if I should take a sedative or just let this run its course.  I have been doing that for a week and so far, it hasn't run anywhere.

    I did catch another ground squirrel.  I think  that was 4.  I need to keep better track.

    So, here I go.  Gonna try another night of sleep.  Or not sleep.  Only time wil ltell.

Peace and Love

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