Saturday, August 12, 2023


 Talk about a fun filled day

    That was my Saturday.

    OK, I did 2 loads of laundry this morning and just put another load in tonight, and granted, those are not fun  things to do, that was the only downer to the day.

    VCCT presented a show written by a former high school student. It was a fantasy/fairy tale/Ren Faire type show with a performing cast of 6.  One member was sick, so  there was some juggling of people to complete the cast.  It was a fun show and I hope the group does more of these in the future. 

     I also hope they stay invoved with theater, but I am guessing that doesn't happen.  Lots of local grads move on to the big city.  It's like a moth being drawn to the light.   But local theater has a lot to offer.

    While I was at the play, friends came over to visit Jackie.  They brought their 2 adorable grandchildren.  I got home in time to visit with them.  One of them showed me the entire contents of their little book bag.  I could understand most of what was said, but I do have trouble understanding little ones.

    For the past several years a  group of us have gone to see Jimmy Buffett in concert.  But, no Jimmy this year.

    So TC hosted a Buffett party. 

    There were cheeseburgers, swimming, and a really nice time visiting with the group.  I really enjoyed it, even though there was no Jimmy, just his music.

    I left before the bonfire...but that would have been a plus to the evening.

    So, a play, party, visit, a Cubs win and it all adds up to a great day.

    Now, about those meteors.......

Peace and Love

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