Tuesday, August 22, 2023


It will be hotter than Hell tomorrow 

    I'm talking Hell, Michigan, where the high temp is predicted at 88.  If our temps are as hot as  they predict it will be hotter than Hell here.

    And yes, I used the sane comparison in the winter when we were colder than Hell.

    Town names can be strange, like Intercourse Penn, or Bird in Hand. 

    We live on Shagbark Lane, and there is only 1 shagbark tree in the neighborhood.  That's in our back yard because I felt someone should have one.  FYI, it is a shagbark hickory.  We live in Hickory Ridge.  

    It should be a law to name subdivisions for things that are there.  We lived o Mill Pond, and there was no mill or pond.  It should have been called Bean Plot or Cow Pasture, although I don't know if cows were ever there.

    Our current subdivision, the aforementioned Hickory Ridge, does have beautiful oak and hickories on the northern side of the subdivision.  But the rest of the land was beans and corn.

    When the land first went up for sale, which had to be 30 years ago,  I wanted to buy it, build a house at the end of a small lane, and enjoy looking at all  those trees.  But there was no way we could afford that.  Now I own a small piece of the place.

    We had doctors' appointments in the suburbs today.  People sure do drive fast!  We watched one guy zip from lane to lane to get ahead of the pack, and we were all doing 75!  Crazy.

    When we got home, I noticed the grill was uncovered and moved away from the wall.  I asked Julia if she grilled something for lunch, and she said no.

    Strange.....it did not seem that windy.  

    Maybe we have a ghost that likes grilled burgers.

    It's frustrating how much trouble the Cubs have with teams that have worse records than they do.  Going into the ninth tonight they are down 8-6 to the Tigers.  Hitters are not hitting and pitchers are not pitching well.  It's a mini June swoon in August.  

    Still 40 games left....plenty of time to reach the playoffs.

    And I don't think Hell will be frozen over.

Peace and Love

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