Monday, August 7, 2023

oh my

 What is wrong with me?

    Don't everyone answer at once.   But I do have a mental problem.

    When graduation time came, I bought graduation cards for various people.

    I sort of read the cards before I bought them.  But not carefully, because one of them was a bat mitzvah card.  So I crossed out bat mitzvah and wrote in graduation and gave it to one of my relatives.

    I did not hear if they thought it was funny or not.

    I went to the store last Friday for a wedding card and 2 sympathy cards.

    I am funny with sympathy cards.  I hate the ones that rhyme. I avoid them like a relative seeking money. I look for cards that convey a sentiment.  A message.  Some solace in a time of distress.

    I also won't buy cards not made in the USA.  

    So sometimes my choices are limited.

    But, I got 2 sympathy cards and 1 wedding card, all with appropriate messages and made in the USA.

    Saturday morning I give the wdding card to Jackie, she signs our names, addresses the envelope and seals it.  We put it in the card box at the reception.

    Today I go to mail the two sympathy cards and ..... I only have 1 plus a wedding card.

    Yes, we gave the bride and groom a lovely sympathy card.

    Jackie blames me, because I gave her the card.  I blame her because she signed it and should have read it.

    I just hope the bride and groom have a good sense of humor.  I know we laughed for 10 minutes when I realized what we did.

    The lesson for me is to check all cards  before mailing, read all cards before buying them, and stop being such a schmuck.

    I could blame it on my lack of sleep.  I have not been sleeping well, and today was a horrible example.  I did not do a thing.  I am so tired, so, so tired.  I go to bed but can't go to sleep.

    This has been going on for 4 or 5 nights, and it is getting to me.  Hopefully the sleep fairy will visit me tonight.

Peace and Love

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